The appendices provide additional resources and information to support the documentation for CowPress and ToDoMoo. They serve as a quick reference for users and contributors.
- Definitions: A glossary of terms and acronyms used throughout the documentation.
- Frequently Asked Questions: A collection of common questions and answers regarding CowPress and ToDoMoo.
Useful Links¶
- External Resources: Links to external resources, tutorials, and guides relevant to CowPress and ToDoMoo.
Version History¶
- Release Notes: Historical information about different versions of CowPress and ToDoMoo, including major changes and updates.
Contribution List¶
- Contributors: Acknowledgments and a list of contributors who have played a significant role in the development of CowPress and ToDoMoo.
Best Practices¶
- Regular Updates: Ensure appendices are regularly updated to reflect the latest information.
- Accessibility: Make the appendices easily accessible within the documentation structure.
Last update :
November 17, 2023
Created : November 17, 2023
Created : November 17, 2023